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Preventing Cyberattacks before they happen - the state of security.

Preventing Cyberattacks before they happen - the state of security.
A pedido
  • Fecha de grabación:Sept. 2, 2019
  • Evento:A pedido
Preventing Cyberattacks before they happen - the state of security.

Organizations face tremendous challenges when trying to keep pace with the proliferation of network-connected devices and an ever-evolving IT industry.
Protecting the network used to be enough and remains essential, but it's no longer enough to secure applications and data. With the volume of cyber incidents increasing exponentially, it is vital that your organization know what's
not only connected to your network but their health.

Lo que aprenderá

In this webinar, we will discuss how organizations like you can successfully implement KACE and identify what devices are on your network, what their current state is, and how to address security risk before it’s too late.
After all, knowledge is power.


Kent Feid, Head of Technical Business Development

Ken Galvin, Senior Product manager for KACE SMA

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