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Need for Speed? My Top Five Oracle Performance Tuning Tips

Need for Speed? My Top Five Oracle Performance Tuning Tips
  • 记录日期:May 28, 2020
  • 活动:录播
Need for Speed? My Top Five Oracle Performance Tuning Tips

Performance tuning can be complex. It's often hard to know which knob to turn or button to press to get the biggest performance boost. 

In this on demand presentation, Janis Griffin, System Consultant at Quest Software, will detail 5 steps to quickly identify performance issues and resolve them. 

Watch this on demand session to learn how to:

  • Quickly fine tune a SQL statement 
  • Identify performance inhibitors to help avoid future performance issues
  • Recognize and understand how new Oracle features can change and/or support different execution plans


Janis Griffin



triangle-down check
